Soft skills

Soft skills are skills that are not tied to a specific occupational field, but can be applied across all professional careers. A typical example would be interpersonal and communication skills. Students can complement their academic studies with training in soft skills.

During academic year 2024/25,students of the Master's degree programme Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MIE) can earn university credits (CFU/ECTS) by attending soft skills courses. Please check the course catalogue to see the courses currently on offer.

Students who attend the above-mentioned courses and pass the end-of-course assessment (if any) will be granted the corresponding number of CFU/ECTS for "Further elective courses" required by the study plan. Applications for enrolment in each course will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, to make sure that the selected courses are consistent with the rest of the workshops offered within the degree programme, and with the international character of this academic pathway.